
《赛车经理》是Playsport Games制作的一款模拟赛车经营游戏。本作沿用《足球经理》系列游戏引擎和界面,但内容却是完全不同游戏体现。在游戏中玩家扮演一个赛车车队的经理,雇佣司机、招聘工程师、改装车辆、签署协议等都是身为一个赛车经理应该做的事情。而实际比赛时,玩家扮演的经理则坐在镜头前观看自己车队的比赛,或者跳转到策略平台指挥自己的车队以获得比赛的胜利。比赛过程中可能会发生下雨等突发状况,而玩家则需要下令换上专用轮胎以防止打滑,就像一个真正的赛车经理一样。

赛车经理/Motorsport Manager

  • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
  • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
  • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
  • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
  • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

赛车经理/Motorsport Manager1

  • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?
  • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team…
  • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

赛车经理/Motorsport Manager2

  • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.
  • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.
  • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

赛车经理/Motorsport Manager3

  • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.
  • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.
  • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?





    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit).
    • 处理器: Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 @ 2.5 GHz
    • 内存: 4 GB RAM
    • 显卡: nVIDIA GT 335M, 512MB or AMD Radeon HD 4670, 512MB or Intel HD 4000 series
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 16 GB 可用空间
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